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15 Uplifting Expressions in Spanish

Writer's picture: ¡Hola! Learn Spanish¡Hola! Learn Spanish

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

 Spanish Classes, Spanish Lessons, Spanish Classes Denver, Online Spanish Classes

By now you have probably discovered Zoom or at least heard about it! In COVID-19 times, we are all becoming very familiar with online platforms that allow us to stay in touch with our friends and families. We are now actually talking to each other more than before and we are offering words of encouragement and support to one another. So, I thought it would be a nice idea to teach you some uplifting expressions in Spanish. You can practice them and then maybe you can share them with a friend or a family member in your next video call! I am sure it will bring a smile to their faces.

A virtual hug! - ¡Un abrazo virtual!

Everything will be fine, my friend! - ¡Todo estará bien, amigo!

We are united! - ¡Estamos unidos!

We are a team, let’s go! - ¡Somos un equipo, vamos!

Don’t lose hope! - ¡No pierdas la esperanza!

Come on, you can do it! - ¡Ánimo tú puedes!

You are a champion! - ¡Eres un campeón!

Cheer up everyone! - ¡Ánimo a todos!

Cheer up! - ¡Ánimo!

I send you all my support! - ¡Te envío todo mi apoyo!

When this is over, we will celebrate! - ¡Cuando esto termine, celebraremos!

Take care of yourself! - ¡Cuídate mucho!

Now, more together than ever! - ¡Ahora, más juntos que nunca!

We will move forward! - ¡Saldremos adelante!

Have faith, we can do it! - ¡Ten fe, nosotros podemos lograrlo!

I always teach my students that literal translations don't really work between two different languages. So, these are the closest translations that you will have between Spanish and English. I hope that some of these uplifting expressions resonate with you, choose a few and make them your favorite. Finally, practice, practice, practice! You will notice that very soon you will feel comfortable saying them.

¡Un abrazo virtual!

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