True cognates are a great allied when learning Spanish. As a Spanish teacher, I recommend my students to expand their vocabulary by identifying true cognates between English and Spanish. It is a fun way to learn Spanish and it also offers great insight regarding the similarities of both languages. If you want to learn more about this topic, I invite to read my blog "Don't Know Spanish Words? Think Again!", in which, I focus on this subject.
The topic of every hour of the day is Coronavirus, so I am providing you with a list of 15 true cognates that you can easily add to your Spanish vocabulary:
coronavirus = coronavirus
virus = virus
viral = viral
quarantine = cuarentena
confinement = confinamiento
pandemic = pandemia
epidemic = epidemia
crisis = crisis
medical personnel = personal medico
diagnosis = diagnóstico
patients = pacientes
cases = casos
symptoms = síntomas
information = información
social distancing = distanciamiento social
Finding what both languages have in common is a fun and motiving way to learn Spanish. Hope you found this helpful and happy learning!
¡Hasta la vista amigos!
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